![]() StandardsStandards are at the core of interoperability and reusability.Presagis supports industry standards that make the development of both M&S and embedded applications easier and more efficient. Their entire product portfolio is built on open standards, so Presagis products can fit into most development pipelines. In addition, any Presagis software application can leverage user plugins and can integrate with other third party products. Modeling & Simulation
Synthetic Environments
Embedded Display GraphicsDMSO MIL-Std-2525bMIL-std-2525b and NATO APP-6A are sister standards; the first is a US Military standard (MIL-STD-2525b), and the other one is a NATO standard. The StandardMilitary symbology plays a critical role in command and control. By distilling essential information, the symbology allows the rapid attainment of situational awareness, and, as a result of its graphical nature, it also provides a common operational language that greatly facilitates interoperability across cultural and linguistic barriers. With the increased presence of information technologies in warfare, an every greater need arose for an international standard that could then be taught to computers. The combination of air, sea, and ground symbologies with the APP-6 paperbound standard resulted in Mil-Std-2525 and NATO APP-6A. This standard provides common operational symbology along with details on its display and plotting to ensure the compatibility and interoperability of NATO or US Military Land Component Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Land Intelligence (C4I) systems, development, operations, and training. Both of these standards are used intensively in the battlefield to
This standard covers the efficient transmission of symbology information within the infosphere through the use of a standard methodology for symbol hierarchy, information taxonomy, and symbol identifiers and applies to both automated and hand-drawn graphic displays. These symbols are designed to enhance the joint interoperability of NATO or the US Military by providing a standard set of common C4I symbols. Presagis Standard SupportSTAGE Scenario from Presagis supports MIL-std-2525b for the default status symbology representations for all platforms. This allows users to create and edit scenarios with the exact same symbology as they would use in real conditions and offers one more possibility for linking real world operations to synthetic environments. |
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