AI.implantAI.implant from Presagis is a multi-platform artificial intelligence (AI) authoring and runtime software solution.Ideal for populating video games, simulations, and training applications with computer controlled characters, including people and vehicles, AI.implant enables these simulated characters to make sophisticated context specific decisions and to move in a realistic fashion within their environment. There are two main aspects to authoring in AI.implant. First, AI.implant allows users to author the rules for motion and decision making logic of the characters. Second, AI.implant allows creation of the AI world that AI characters use for perception and path planning even within dynamically changing environments. AI.implant offers a set of visual authoring tools for creating AI characters and the AI world, including plug-ins for Autodesk 3ds Max and Maya, as well as a stand alone application called the Artificial Intelligence Development Environment (AI.DE) for authoring and debugging. Containing runtime libraries for Windows, Linux, Xbox 360, and Playstation3 applications, the AI.implant SDK makes AI.implant integration easy. AI.implant also comes with deep ready made integrations within Stage Scenario and the Unreal 3 engine. By increasing realism and making it easier to create entities with complex behavior, AI.implant is advancing the state of visual simulation. This production-proven AI tool and Software Development Kit (SDK) for the visualization and simulation market makes it easy for you to create and control all entities in any complex simulation. Offering virtually instant crowds and clutter, as well as advanced single entity and autonomous/emergent behaviors, AI.implant ensures greater fidelity in immersive simulations. Greater immersive fidelity is crucial to
AI.implant is especially suited for projects requiring realistic and dynamic environments for urban warfare training. Offering entities capable of non-doctrinal, complex, and unpredictable behavior, AI.implant is the smart way to make any existing simulation better. |
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(757) 498-6118 Ext - 101 |
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