SimWare Core

All essential components for the development of simulations with an Open and Interoperable Architecture are included in this package.
With SimWare Core package you can build a simulation system like a federation of Simulation assets, each one fully reusable and interoperable using DDS or HLA standards.
Our core package provides three essential components for the development of any type of simulation system:
- NCWare SIM Simulation Middleware. NCWare SIM is our real time simulation middleware based on the publish/subscribe paradigm and compliant with both IEEE HLA and OMG DDS standards. NCWare SIM offers a unified user interface (API) for Distributed Simulation developers. IEEE HLA compliance can be obtained using SIMWARE RTI or any other commercial RTI.
- eHost RunTime Infrastructure. It provides a development and runtime real time framework for hosting high-fidelity simulation models. eHost is based on an advanced real time Simulation Manager which controls a high resolution timer as well as the state machine of the global simulation system. This software can coordinate multiple simulation engines, running in a fully distributed computing environment where each simulation module node can be hosted in different CPU/Core.
- SIMWARE Modeler. This application provides a useful GUI for the design of SimWare data model and publish-subscribe interfaces of each node. SimWare architecture provides a HLA OMT based metadata model for this purpose.